Quantum computing as a topic of computer science education

About the project

The young and complex field of quantum technologies is considered one of the most promising topics of the future and is increasingly becoming a projection surface for social expectations and fears. At the same time, there has been a lack of didactic work on this topic. In this project, fundamental ideas and principles, application possibilities, and social implications of quantum informatics are identified and teaching and training concepts are developed.


Fackeldey, K., Fischer, S., Filk, T., Gutschank, J., Gretzschel, M., Heiszler, F., Hellstern, G., Michaeli, T., Müller, R., Oldenburg, R., Passon, O., Pospiech, G., Scheid, J., Seegerer, S., van Waveren, L., & Woitzik, A. (2023). Quantum Skills in der Lehrkräftebildung: 11 Empfehlungen an Bildungspolitik, Hochschulen und Zivilgesellschaft um Quantentechnologien in die Allgemeinbildung zu bringen.

Seegerer, S., Michaeli, T. & Romeike, R. (2021). Quantum Computing As a Topic in Computer Science Education. In Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Primary and Secondary Computing Education. USA: ACM.

Michaeli, T., Seegerer, S. & Romeike, R. (2021). Quanteninformatik als Thema und Aufgabengebiet informatischer Bildung. In INFOS 2021 - 19. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule. Wuppertal.

Seegerer, S., Michaeli, T., Woitzik, A. & Romeike, R. (2021). Reise in die Quantenzeit – Quanteninformatik erleben und verstehen. In INFOS 2021 – 19. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule. Wuppertal.